Wifi Transmission on PC (Part 1)
Wifi transmission on a PC
Things required
A hotspot
Two Pc’s or one PC and an Android phone
with ES-File Explorer app
Your username and password of your PC
If you already know how to create a hotspot
using cmd, you can share share files, printers and hardware devices on your PC
with other PC’s or phones
Get started by creating a hotspot on your
PC using command prompt alternatively use a phone
Ensure that your PC and the other device
connect to the created hotspot
Goto network and sharing center on your PC’s
control Panel and enable the following
Goto to the drive or folder you want to
share and right click on it with your mouse
Click on Properties > Sharing >
Advanced Sharing
Check the box beside the “Share this
Click on Permissions and check Read and
Write that is if you want to copy in and out of the folder
Click apply and you’re good to go
You can view the network devices on the
Network folder of you PC
Your username is the name you see when you
start cmd not as administrator
Or you can view the user by typing net user
on command prompt
Your password is what you use to login to
your system
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